Rapid Transformational Relationship Coaching

Hi Beautiful,

I’m so glad you found my site! I’m Rhonda, a mom to 2 beautiful daughters, “GiGi” to my 3 grandkids, a Horticulturist, Dressage Rider, Pilates Instructor, and Communications Professional. I’ve also suffered hurt from divorce, infidelity, sexual and emotional trauma. I’ve gone to therapists, read nearly every self-help book there is, tried almost everything imaginable to overcome the pain and trauma that started at a very young age…

Two years ago, I went through a Rapid Transformational Program designed for divorced women and within 12 weeks my life was transformed. Having suffered for years under my own torment, I finally was able to climb out of the armpit of life to live my best life ever!

I was so impressed with my rapid results and the program, I went on to complete training to become a certified life/relationship coach. That coupled with a Masters Degree in Communication and over 20 years experience as a Communication professional has equipped me to help other women, just like you!

That is why I’m here. After completing the program, I had a deep higher calling to help other women. Women who may be suffering from the same kind of pain I was. Exceptional and Professional in every aspect of their lives except feeling true inner peace, love and joy. Women whose relationships run amuck and leave them reeling inside, unable to share their deepest thoughts and feelings with anyone for fear they will seem like they don’t have it all together!

If that sounds anything like you, I would love to offer you a free exploratory call. Please complete the contact form and I will be in touch!

Blessings and Much Love,
